25 Ginger St – The seller’s expectations can be lower than what the market would really pay.
After conducting some market research and talking to other agents, the seller approached Fred Dubois with a price expectation in mind of about $950K for his tenanted industrial warehouse. Considering the quality of the two tenants and the strong terms of the leases, Fred Dubois advised the seller that the market may pay more, and recommended to market the property via expressions of interest without a price and a set a closing date for submission of the offers.
At the end of the 4-week EOI campaign the property received 8 offers and sold for $1,340,000
The seller’s expectations can be lower than what the market would pay, sometimes by a huge margin. If you are on the market to sell your commercial or industrial property, contact Fred Dubois to discuss how to make the most of the sale of your property.
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63 Victoria St (Old ComBank) – Selling problem properties is about patience, commitment, tackle the issues to move forward, never give up. As part of a deceased estate, this vacant property of 10 years was carrying a highly negative baggage and was often on the news for the wrong reasons. The owners finally contacted Fred Dubois, having heard of his 15-year experience in commercial sales and the ethical way he is conducting business.
After a 4-week expressions of interest campaign the property received 7 offers and the highest offer was selected to go to contract. Unfortunately, the issues the property was encountering went unabated with squatter issues, fire event, summons from the courts on environmental & historical matters, and so on. Despite helping resolve the issues as they were coming the agent was not able to get any of the offers to stick and to go all the way to a settled contract… Until after nearly a year of efforts, things finally settled down and one of the buyers was able to settle on the sale. During all this period the agent has worked hand in hand with the sellers to patiently resolve the issues until the property finally sells. Thanks to the efforts of everyone, the new owner will now renovate & give a new life to this historical building so dear to the heart the local population.
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5/1 Centurion Drive – Help commercial tenants ‘break’ their long term lease via subleasing or lease assignment. With still 3 years to go into her long term lease, Renee wanted to ‘break’ her lease in order to relocate into other more suitable premises, she contacted Fred Dubois to discuss how he could help. A simple solution was to put the lease back onto the market with some advertising and look for a new tenant to sublease Renee’s premises. After a few weeks a new tenant was found, and, with further discussions directly with the landlord, it was agreed to assign the lease to the new tenant and therefore release Renee of any of her obligations under the initial lease, which would not have been the case with a straight sublease. The cost for Renee, in commission and advertising was approximately worth 2 months of rent, far less than 3 years stuck in premises that are no longer suitable to her circumstances.
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34 Brisbane Street – Prepare an ‘unsellable’ property to sell it for more to the investor’s market. The owner of 34 Brisbane St came to see Fred Dubois to discuss his intention to sell his property. At the time, the multi-tenanted property was about 40% vacant, which made it un-suitable for the tenanted investment market, and relatively un-suitable to the owner-occupier’s market. In addition, the seller needed to achieve a high outcome with the sale to meet financial commitments. Due to the urgency to sell, a first campaign targeting the owner-occupier’s market was conducted but did not produce a buyer to a level of price suitable to the seller. The agent recommended to shift the focus onto leasing the property first. With some incentives and a dynamic leasing campaign he was able to lease 100% of the tenancies within a few months, and to have the property ready for the investor’s market. Thereafter, a 4-week expressions of interest campaign sold the property for the higher price outcome that the seller was seeking.
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2/22 Silverton Court – Lease or sell off the plan to jump start a project financially, and secure 100% occupancy before building completion. It is generally difficult for developers to obtain finance from the banks to start the execution of a project if they do not have an early commitment from a tenant or a buyer for at least 50% of the project. The owner of 22 Silverton Court, a regular client of Fred Dubois, rang to discuss a way forward for his project. Until a project physically starts, all we are selling is ‘thin air’…. and paper. Hence the need to prepare an attractive marketing documentation and a strong contract documentation, liaising with the seller’s solicitor.
Once the documentation was ready a campaign to find a tenant ‘off the plan’ was launched and it was not long before a tenant came a along and snatched Warehouse 1 representing 55% of the project. The project could now be financed, and works commenced. The same marketing still running while the building was under construction helped find a tenant for Warehouse 2, completing a 100% occupancy before the construction is even completed. In this case the developer was able to obtain finance under good conditions from his bank and alleviate risks inherent to real estate developments.
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