GRASSTREE BEACH | Offers From $849,000
114 The Esplanade
Beds 5, Baths 6, Parking 5
ERAKALA | Offers from $1,200, 000
36-38 Sunset Drive
WEST MACKAY | Offers Over $469,000
9 / 482 Bridge Road
Beds 2, Baths 1, Parking 2
SLADE POINT | Offers Over $799,000
20 Paton Terrace
Beds 5, Baths 1, Parking 5
DOLPHIN HEADS | Offers Over $199,000
26 / 6 Beach Road
Beds 1, Baths 0, Parking 1
EAST MACKAY | Offers Over $789,000
15 Cameron Street
Beds 3, Baths 4, Parking 3
SOUTH MACKAY | Offers from $569,000
16 Chauvel Street
Beds 3, Baths 2, Parking 3
MOUNT PLEASANT | Offers From $749,000
20 Crispin Drive
Beds 4, Baths 2, Parking 4
SOUTH MACKAY | Offers from $499,000
12 Edward Street
Beds 3, Baths 1, Parking 3
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